When checking off the items you need for college, such as Room, Board, Books, did you check off "Awareness and Self-Defense"?
- WCMAA offers self-defense seminars aimed at young women leaving the safety of home and heading for college.
- They will learn valuable lessons on how to be aware, alert and safe away from home.
- This 2 hour one time course is designed to give the tools necessary to learn to adapt, adjust, improvise and overcome challenges away from home.
- This is an interactive class that is both informative and physical and should be a prerequisite for any college bound student!
This program is available to the general public and you do not have to join the school or be an active member to participate.
This 2 hour course will bring to life the dangers of being on your own in a new environment and away from the comfort and security of home.
What we like to call "Through Predators Eyes", we teach why people become victims and how to prevent becoming one. Predators attack the weak, this is a primal instinct for survival, if they attack the strong there is a higher risk of danger and of becoming injured themselves. Through proper body language, tone of voice, eye contact, facial expressions and body postures
you will learn to ward off the potential dangers of becoming a victim. This is 2 hour course that is designed to give the tools necessary to learn to be safe and alert away from home.
This is an interactive class that is both informative and physical.
Benefits of this Program:
- Confidence
- Awareness Skills
- Higher Value system
- How stand tall
- Nonverbal communication
- Preventive action Skills
- Sharp, direct Communication to disable the Bully
- Techniques to Defend when necessary
This program is available to the general public and you do not have to join the school or be an active member to participate. There is a minimum of 5 Students per Session and the fee is $35.00 each. The program is 2 hours long and available on the Weekends. Please contact the office for available dates and available instructors.