Our staff has over 32 years of martial arts experience. The highest standards and a commitment to excellence are the trademarks of West Coast Martial Arts Academy. Whether you are looking for classes for kids, teens, or adults, we are the most qualified to meet and exceed your needs and provide real results.
The realistic and authentic Martial Arts training offered at the Academy can change your life. No other activity helps you attain such physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance. Whether you are six, a senior, or somewhere in between, Martial Arts will help you realize your full potential.
Training at the Academy is an individual pursuit, not a team sport. This distinction allows you to learn at your own pace in a safe, supportive, family-oriented environment.
Our classes are taught by Certified Black Belt Instructors; this is imperative as the achievement of the rank of Black Belt alone does not give the qualification or the tools to be an instructor. Here at West Coast Martial Arts Academy all instructors must undergo a 3-year minimum apprenticeship before they can achieve a Full Instructorship level, and must be re-certified on a yearly basis.
This pursuit of excellence is why our teachers are exceptionally qualified, experienced, motivated, and committed to helping you achieve your personal goals.
Come read and watch what “This Week in Sarasota” had to say about WCMAA.
Alex Mahadevan suited up in his gi, channeled his inner Daniel san and stepped into the dojo to put his skills to the test. Will he prove victorious? Or will it be wax on / wax off for Alex? Watch and find out for yourself.